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07/02/11 11:44 AM #1    


Fred Wilson

If you have any thoughts you'd like to share, about the reunion or anything else, this is the place. It's open to all.


07/10/11 09:05 PM #2    

Elizabeth Schmid (Hines)

Dear Fred,

Ohmigod, we all have wrinkles!

In terms of the reunion, why don't we invite Debby Harry.  She and our parents drove us each back and forth to Centenary.  Debby was a year behind us, as you know.  In any event, I sat in for her at a class so she could go to NYC for an audition (oops).  Let's bring her.  I can try to locate her.  She's still living in NYC.  Thoughts to you and the rest of our class for feed-back.




07/17/11 02:15 PM #3    


Fred Wilson

Getting Debby Harry to come to the reunion would be a definite kick. That might make a combination '62/'63 more palatable to the class too. Good luck tracking her down.

08/10/11 08:54 AM #4    


Joan Myers (Desmet)

Hi fred;


 what up with two classes coming to the reunioin.  that would be great.  Hope you could get Deb, Harry to come.


Joan myers desmet

08/21/11 05:31 PM #5    


Lynn Shepherd (Titmas)

Great idea on both counts: inviting Debby and her class to join us at the reunion.


08/21/11 08:17 PM #6    


Joseph T Phillips III

Hey Fred, My wife, Marilou Goodwin, HHS Class of 63 was Debbie Harrys sorority sister and would love to see her and other classmates at our reunion as she doesn't think her class will have a 50th reunion.  Joe Phillips

08/25/11 11:45 AM #7    


Fred Wilson

 Hi Joe -- There seems to be some interest in including the Class of '63 in our reunion. It's possible to add those classmates to our webpage as guests, and also possible to add the whole class. I'd like to hear some feedback from the '62 group on those possibilities. I can add your wife's name now as a guest, if she is interested. Let me know. --Fred

11/17/11 06:41 PM #8    


Lynn Shepherd (Titmas)

I think that is a great idea: adding the class of '63 as guests on our site. So many dated people in our class and/or "hung out" with us.


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